By Michael Dority
ACCORDING TO THE theory of general relativity, the faster an object travels through space the slower time passes compared to objects at rest. Similarly, the passage of time for objects in close proximity to a massive gravitational field slows even further. This is the time dilation effect.
At the centre of a distant galaxy, a supermassive black hole called Gargantua hosts a single planet, Paradisus. The blanet [1]revolves at extreme velocity in a tight orbit around Gargantua’s event horizon. The galaxy itself is also in motion, hurtling away from our galaxy at a combined rate of approximately 113.4% the speed of light. This phenomenon is known as accelerated expansion.
Paradisus is home to two lifeforms—the Last Adam and Last Eve.
They aren’t human. Their bodies were created to survive Paradisus’ glacial environment. The planet is very cold, with a median temperature of -400 °F, about 60 °F above absolute zero.
These beings were produced from the permafrost when the original Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden.
They still live on the planet today and just turned two months old (their time).
Their genetic coding allows for a minimum lifespan of 9,000 years (our time).
Deep in a subterranean chamber, their bodies lie dormant in cryogenic hibernation. Though nearly frozen in time, the purity of their [souls/sparks/minds/Atmen] burns fiercely.
Ultimately, destiny makes no exceptions for chance.
This term was recently introduced into the world of astrophysics and refers to a planet that orbits a black hole.